Why has my account been disabled?

There are a few possibilities.

If you log in and find that your account has been disabled, there are a few potential reasons. Here's a partial list.

  • A payment has failed or has not been received in a timely manner.
  • Your account profile is missing required information. We require each account to have a real name, a company name, a company address, a single individual's email address, and a job title. If any of this information is missing or looks like it might not be valid, your account may be disabled while we work out the details with you.
  • People who work for companies that provide similar services to Protiviti are considered to be competitors and are not eligible for access to KnowledgeLeader.
  • The user has engaged in any activities that seem to be outside those allowed in our Access Agreement.

This is a partial list. In every case, we will do our level best to contact you through email to work out the issue in a way that best fits the situation. If you have questions about your account, please contact us.