The audit committee of the board of directors helps the board fulfill its responsibilities to the company and its current and potential shareholders, the investment community, and other stakeholders, with respect to its oversight of the following:
The audit committee has a written charter, tailored to the company environment, clearly indicating committee duties and responsibilities. The committee strongly influences the overall company financial reporting and regulatory compliance environment. This influence is apparent in the committee charter. This charter is carefully reviewed and approved by the board of directors and periodically challenged and updated by the committee board.
The role of the audit committee has significantly expanded in recent years. The full board should engage in a discussion to address whether there are topics covered by the audit committee that should be assigned elsewhere. It is not unusual for the audit committee to become the default committee when oversight responsibilities are assigned by the board to its various standing committees. The board needs to ensure that the audit committee doesn’t get overloaded with responsibilities that detract from its primary function to ensure reliable financial reporting. Realizing this, the board of directors has begun to shift some of the audit committee’s responsibilities to separately chartered committees to create a balance of duties and ensure that they are effectively executed. These additional committees have often included a compensation committee, disclosure committee, and nominating and governance committee.
It is common practice for boards and their standing audit committees and individual directors to self-assess their performance periodically and formulate actionable plans to improve performance based on opportunities and areas of concern identified by the process. Sample self-assessment questions include:
For more information on audit committees, you can find the following tools on KnowledgeLeader and many others under the Audit Committee and Board Topic:
Audit Committee Responsibilities Questionnaire
Audit Committee Charter: Sample 1
Audit Committee Responsibilities and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Setting the 2019 Audit Committee Agenda